Revising & Editing: The Writing Workshop
*Free and paid tickets available*
Book My Place
Build a confident process for improving your writing
This is a workshop for people who have written something, and want to make it better, but who are not yet ready to hand it over to an editor.
In other words: how do you make your draft as good as it can be before you share it with other people? Or: how do you find your way back into a draft you can't finish, or don't know how to re-start?
With only one or two presentations a day, this workshop is a low-stress, high-value guide to overcoming the most stressful challenge writers face: how to improve the thing you wrote.
This is a practical workshop
Each speaker will teach revision and editing techniques (building up a scene, revising for style, fixing plot holes, building up the impact of a draft), and I've designed the schedule to give them time to teach in-depth.
All presentations (but not the prompt sessions) are open to all ticket holders, free and paid.
If you are on a free pass, each talk is watchable live and for 24 hours after it goes live. After that, the talk will no longer be available. If you, instead, have a paid ticket, you will have ongoing, indefinite access to watch the replays.
Additionally, each speaker will share a practice, prompt, or multi-part exercise that we will try out in a follow-up session.
You'll work on a detailed prompt that will allow you to apply the skills you've learned right then and there. Those hands-on, work sessions are only available to paid attendees.
Featured talks
Not sure what to watch? Here are some talks you won't want to miss.
Everyone is welcome
You do not need to have finished a manuscript.
Learn valuable techniques no matter where you are in the writing process.